Do u know what does IVAC stand for?
This is the Official IVAC Logo :)
Do you know what does I V A C stand for?
Human I-V-A-C =)
[From left: Director Gerald Soh, Juliana, Johnson and Guan -Meet them at IVAC,UPM 2007! Click here for more info.]
is the abbreviation for
I = Inter
V= Varsity
C = Conference
IVAC is an annual event held by the 7th Residential College of Universiti Malaya.
The objective of this conference is to instill HIV/AIDS awareness among teenagers and adolescents so as to decrease the stigma and discrimination that the society has towards People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
This year, IVAC (UM) has decided to collaborate with the Nutrition and Dietetics Club under the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to hold the Inter-varsity AIDS Conference in UPM.
The slogan for IVAC 2007 is "Understanding Makes A Difference".
It is of our earnest hope that by providing information to secondary school students and undergraduates who attend the conference, we may decrease the prejudice and criticism that the society has towards PLWHA.
During the conference, there will be interactive games, role play sessions, workshops, seminars, forum, discussions, stage plays and MANY interesting activities that are aimed at providing information to the participants.
This is a good chance to get to know new friends with similar interests and also have a deeper understanding on the HIV/AIDS issues in Malaysia.
Ignorance is not the way to avoid the spread of the virus, but by understanding, you are protecting yourself and the people around you from it!
See you there! :)
If you have any enquires, please feel free to email us at or drop us a comment :)
Thank you!